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Smart Chiropractic Pediatric Marketing


Amplify your pediatric marketing with The Smart Chiropractor Pediatric Marketing Program. Our program includes everything you need to increase your incoming referrals, attract more new patients, and hold powerful workshops online or off.


Smart Chiropractic Pediatric Marketing

Get ready to supercharge your pediatric marketing with The Smart Chiropractor Pediatric Marketing Program. Our program includes three incredible modules to help you get results fast.

The Patient Attraction module will help you market your practice as the leading pediatric expert online and offline. The workshop module includes the awesome “How to Raise Healthy Kids” workshop presentation and everything you need to fill every seat in the house. And our referral module will provide you with a step-by-step strategy to build relationships with pediatricians in your community.

The Smart Chiropractor Pediatric Marketing Program is a must-have for every pediatric practice.

Our Smart Chiropractor Pediatric Marketing Program includes: 

  • How to Get the Best Results with Your Pediatric Program Guide
  • The Patient Attraction Module
    • 8 SEO Optimized Pediatric Blog Posts
    • 2 Pediatric Reception Videos
    • 8 Pediatric Patient Education Handouts
    • 28 Pediatric Social Posts
  • The Workshop Module
    • “How to Raise Healthy Kids” Powerpoint Presentation
    • Workshop Promotional Flyer
    • Workshop Email Campaign Templates
    • How to Host a Pediatric Workshop Guide (online or in-person)
  • The Referrals Module
    • 5 Pediatric Marketing Research Briefs
    • Relationships Tracking Sheets
    • How to Build Relationships with Pediatricians

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